Friday, January 14, 2011


President Obama's call this week for a return to civility was delicately woven through perhaps one of his best speeches, striking the difficult balance between embracing a shocked nation with assurances of better days while honoring those Americans whose lives were forever changed last Saturday in Tucson.
The welcomed dialogue now taking place around the country of civility and civil rhetoric has all roads leading back to Washington. The horrific events last weekend outside the Tucson Safeway defy logic, explanation or reason. History is still unfolding.
But since civility has been painfully kicked onto the national stage, i'd like to share with you a wonderful op-ed piece by columnist David Brooks in this week's New York Times:

and George Washington's Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation: A Book of Etiquette:

If you don't have a copy or have never read the latter, please do. Both links are well worth your time and vital foods for thought.

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